Ben Balistreri
tumblr: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/ben%20balistreri
images copyright Ben Balistreri
10 Questions With Ben Balistreri

1.... who is your favorite artist?
Andre Franquin (link)
2.... do you offer workshops for artists?

3.... what do you like to listen to while you work?
I'm a Metal fan. Black Sabbath, Guns N' Roses, Metallica, AC-DC, etc...
4.... what medium and tools do you use to create your art?
Photoshop on a cintiq, PITT artist pens for inking, Copic Sketch markers, Col-Erase pencils for drawing.

5.... during an average week how many hours a day / week do you work on creating art?
Around 60 hrs/week.
6.... are you working your dream job?
I love what I do but my dreams change all the time so I would say no.

7.... do you feel its important for others to pursue their dream jobs?
Does anyone say "no" to this? Of course they should!
8.... where can people see your work (online, conventions or exhibits)?
or you can check out my graphic novel "Seaweed and the Cure for Mildew" available at www.saltysugar.com

9.... was there a certain moment that you knew you wanted to be an artist?
Not really, "one" moment. I grew up wanting to be in comics and animation. My father was an art professor and was very encouraging.

10.... is there anything else you would like to add or say to other artists?
Don't focus so much on trying to become a career artist that you lose site of being a unique artist with a unique voice and vision of the world.

Ben Balistreri
tumblr: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/ben%20balistreri
images copyright Ben Balistreri
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