Virginia Critchfield
blog: virginiacritchfield.blogspot.com/
cghub: http://vcritchfield.cghub.com/
images copyright Virginia Critchfield
10 Questions with Virginia Critchfield

1.... who is your favorite artist?
I have lots of heros, and I try to look at lots of art every day. Lately I have been looking at Frazetta, Eric Canete, and Tom Scholes.

2.... do you offer workshops for artists?
I have never been asked to a workshop but i teach and mentor when I can.

3.... what do you like to listen to while you work?
I listen to everything while working: music, books, pod casts, and movies. Today I listened to Studio Ghibli music.

4.... what medium and tools do you use to create your art?
I am a graphite monkey at heart, but work digital and a wide range of traditional medium for color.

5.... during an average week how many hours a day / week do you work on creating art?
I work a full time job and often take it home with me. I try to do my own work on top of that and the occasional freelance. So, art takes most of my daylight, and the time in-between.

6.... are you working your dream job?
I am a Sr. Concept artist by trade and work in video game development with Riot Games. Totally a dream job.
7.... do you feel its important for others to pursue their dream jobs?
You have to do what you love. At least I do.

8.... where can people see your work (online, conventions or exhibits)?
I am Online at :

9.... was there a certain moment that you knew you wanted to be an artist?
Drawing is the only thing I am good at, I have always drawn.

10.... is there anything else you would like to add or say to other artists?
Never stop learning. Come draw with me and we can try to learn together.
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