Trevor Grove
deviantart : http://trevorgrove.deviantart.com/
images copyright Trevor Grove and Sideshow Collectibles
10 Questions With Trevor Grove

1.... who is your favorite artist?
That's tricky, as I have plenty of favorites, and in all different fields. I'm inspired by all kinds of creativity. Illustration had a big influence on me as a kid, and my favorite illustrator is Drew Struzan. I learned so much about the value of good art from Struzan. It was never the technical proficiency of a Struzan piece that stood out to me as the most impressive thing, (Although his skills are unparalleled) it was the heart and spirit that was alive in his work. It really helped guide me into wanting to be an artist. Likewise, the work of the band TOOL really affected me in a positive way. I never realized just how powerfully inspiring art could be until I started appreciating their work.

2.... do you offer workshops for artists?
No, I never have done that. I was never someone who liked school, so I don't really have a point of reference for being a teacher. :) I have nothing but respect and admiration for those who can teach. I doubt if I'd ever be good at that; I think I'm most valuable to my fellow artists simply through answering any questions they might have about what I do.

3.... what do you like to listen to while you work?
I definitely have to occupy my brain while working, and I prefer podcasts 90% of the time. I seldom listen to music while working, though sometimes that's great too. I usually need something that acts as white noise so that I keep myself planted at my desk working, but not distracted.

4.... what medium and tools do you use to create your art?
As a sculptor, I work in wax predominately. Wax is a great medium for the precise work I'm tasked to create. I can really control how far I take it when refining, because it's a very hard medium which is great for sanding and polishing. When it comes to tools. just about any metal tool you can find that looks helpful can be used to sculpt. Dental tools, various loop tools...anything I find that I think might aid me can be useful. For wax sculpture, it's also important to have an alcohol torch to warm your tools, and a waxpen, which is an electronic console that has various heated tips for wax sculpture. For refining, I use sanding sponges and lighter fluid (which acts as a solvent for wax, and can help smooth out little nooks you can't get to with sanding).

5.... during an average week how many hours a day / week do you work on creating art?
Ooh, that's tough. I work all the time; I'm hardly ever not working. :) Mostly due to necessity, but I even like working on my own stuff when I have down time. The sculpture work can be very time consuming to do well, and I'm usually trying to get it done as efficiently as possible for my clients. It's hard to put a number on the hours I work, but I'd say there are only about a few hours each day (besides sleeping hours) that I'm not working. :)

6.... are you working your dream job?
Oh yeah, I'd have to say this is what I had hoped to be doing when I was a kid. All I wanted to do was be creative for a living, and I've been fortunate enough to have that opportunity (Although, I never would have expected to become a sculptor of any kind. :)). I will say that, no matter how ideal a job seems, it will always be challenging and difficult. There have been quite a lot of sacrifices I've had to make in my personal life to continue working as an artist and that can be tough to get through sometimes. However, if you love doing something like creating art, and your drive to create is innate, there really isn't anything you can do to stop being creative, even when it drives you crazy. It will find a way to get out of you somehow, so it's best to embrace it. :) So long as you do it for the right reasons, you will grow and opportunities will reveal themselves.

7.... do you feel its important for others to pursue their dream jobs?
You know, I've thought a lot about that recently and I don't know how important it is, really. Like I mentioned, i think if it's something in you that you have to do, you really don't have much of a choice. :) I really think I myself would be empty without creative work. I need it to feel complete. If your dream job is that important to you, then by all means, it's worth pursuing. But I know so many people that work common jobs and find their happiness elsewhere. It's almost healthier I think. :) The bottom line I think is to do everything for the right reason. Knowing yourself and what drives you will point you in the direction of what's important.

8.... where can people see your work (online, conventions or exhibits)?
You can see my sculpture work on my Deviant Art gallery (http://trevorgrove.deviantart.com/) and most of my work has been sculpted for Sideshow Collectibles, so the final products can be purchased through their website (http://www.sideshowcollectibles.com). I've never really done more than visit conventions, which can be fun, but I've never exhibited before. I've always enjoyed making the work, and then releasing it into the world to sort of fend for itself. :) I get very self conscious and uncomfortable when I have to be the face for my work.

9.... was there a certain moment that you knew you wanted to be an artist?
Yeah, I was really young, and I had just started appreciating Drew Struzan's artwork. I just knew in my bones I wanted to be an artist, and pretty much stuck with trying to pursue it all throughout my formative years. Thanks to my parents and my brother I was really supported the whole way through. That's something that none of us can control really, and I feel so fortunate to have been supported by my loved ones. I was never told what I was doing had no worth, even though my parents certainly couldn't have thought of art as a viable career. They supported me because I loved it, and that ultimately is the only reason I was able to grow enough to get to a point where I could work professionally.

10.... is there anything else you would like to add or say to other artists?
I've probably preached enough as it is. :) I hope it comes across the right way, though. I think the most valuable piece of advice I can lend is to remain tenacious. Art is hard, and it will always be difficult, but it's truly rewarding as well. We're all given the privilege to be a part of it, and to birth it into the world; That's something to revere, although it comes with lengthy gestation and a few labor pains. :) I feel so grateful to get to do this kind of work, and I think every artist should feel that way. I also hope all of my fellow artists will remain constantly critical of themselves. I've known artists who are very nearly ego maniacs, and it's off putting and laughable. I think it's my least favorite quality in artists and people in general. It's good to recognize your shortcomings, appreciate how much room there is to grow, and patiently pursue the horizon. If you find people embrace you along your path, thank them for understanding, but don't allow it to go to your head.
Push hard and put love into your work, not because it's necessary, but because you have the opportunity to do so. All the best to you all!

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