Scott Altmann
blogspot: http://baddreamsgoodnightmares.blogspot.com
deviantart: http://scottaltmann.deviantart.com/gallery/
website: http://www.scottaltmann.com/
images copyright Scott Altmann

10 Questions with Scott Altmann
1.... who are your favorite artists?
So tough to narrow it down. Favorites that influenced my illustration career are : Jon Foster, NC Wyeth, Dean Cornwell, Arthur Rackham, Phil Hale
Artists that I am really into now : Justin Mortimer, Ruprecht Von Kaufmann, Willy Verginer, Beth Cavenar Stichter to name a few

2.... do you offer workshops for artists?
I never even thought there would be enough interest in me or my work to do that. You think that's a good idea? I do keep a low profile, but I would consider it if people really wanted me too. I love sharing and giving back to the art community.

3.... what helps boost your creativity?
I am quite a daydreamer - I'd say daydreaming would be the number one boost to my creativity.

4.... what medium and tools do you use to create art?
Lately for all my commercial jobs I am doing everything with Corel Painter 11 / 12, Photoshop CS6 and an Intuos4 Wacom Tablet.
When I get the chance I still prefer oil paint as my preferred medium for traditional work.

5.... what helps you maintain focus and motivation when creating?
Definitely having a family to provide for is a great motivator and really doesn't allow you to much time to screw around. I have to admit I don't think I took things as seriously as I should have until my first child was born 8 years ago. That definitely lit the fire under my ass.
6.... do you feel its important to follow your passion in your career?
I think it's one of the most important aspects to doing great work. If you are passionate about something, you are much more likely to be good at it. I've always found it difficult and laboring to take on jobs that I was not passionate about, but did for monetary reasons. Usually those pieces never came out good anyway.

7.... what is the secret to creating a great piece of art?
If there is a secret to great art I certainly don't know it. I don't think of myself as great or that I even do great art. I strive too.
If there is an unifying aspect to the works of art I do feel are great it is their pure honesty.

8.... where can people see your work (online, conventions or exhibits)?
online is easy: www.scottaltmann.com - personal website
blog: http://baddreamsgoodnightmares.blogspot.com
twitter: https://twitter.com/scottaltmann
just to name a few spots.
I have taken a hiatus from conventions at this time, but if I do one convention it will usually be IlluXCon.

9.... was there a certain moment that you knew you wanted to be an artist?
I really never made that conscience decision. Ever since I was a kid , it was the one thing I was best at, so I just ultimately thought that was the direction I would go in. I didn't even know what I was going to do with it, but knew I would do something art-related.

10.... if you could give other artists one piece of advice what would it be?
Find what is unique about you and your art -and do that to the best of your ability. Good things should follow.

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