Petar Meseldzija
website: http://www.petarmeseldzijaart.com
blogspot: http://petarmeseldzija.blogspot.com/
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-art-of-Petar-Meseld
images copyright Petar Meseldzija

10 Questions with Petar Meseldzija
1.... who are your favorite artists?
The unique ones, like Sergio Toppi, Akseli Gallen-Kallela, Joaquin Sorolla, Arthur Rackham, Ivan Bilibin, J.C. Leyendecker, Frank Frazetta, Alan Lee, Phil Hale, Shaun Tan…

2.... do you offer workshops for artists?
From time to time. The next one will probably take place in Stockholm, Sweden, in October.

3.... what helps boost your creativity?
Lately, the highly inspirational writings of Joseph Campbell and Carl Gustav Jung.

4.... what medium and tools do you use to create art?
Most of my art is painted in oils.

5.... what helps you maintain focus and motivation when creating?
Desire to make a wonderful painting, solving creative problems I come across while painting and classical music.

6.... do you feel its important to follow your passion in your career?
That is perhaps the most important thing… following your own passion, trying to find the true voice of your heart!

7.... what is the secret to creating a great piece of art?
Unconditional love for and dedication to your art…creating out of the bottom of your heart… and sufficient amount of good, old artistic skills.

8.... where can people see your work (online, conventions or exhibits)?
On my website, blog, on my Facebook page and Muddy Colors blog. Original art can be seen at the conventions, like IlluxCon and Spectrum Live, both in the U.S.

9.... was there a certain moment that you knew you wanted to be an artist?
From a very early age I knew I wanted to become a comic artist, which I did become, indeed. But when I was about 27 years old, I switched to painting and illustration.

10.... if you could give other artists one piece of advice what would it be?
Try to figure out what (who) you really want to become, what kind of artist. In other words, know your own heart, follow it and try to express it through your art. Be honest to yourself…In the meantime, work and practice hard! Be persistent!

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