Riccardo Federici
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blogspot: http://riccardofederici.blogspot.com/
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/blackdobermann76/videos
images and video copyright Riccardo Federici
10 Questions with Riccardo Federici

1.... what medium and tools do you use to create art?
I am self taught and therefore I do not follow any rules, as I use mixed techniques and I like to experiment mixing up different types of material. For the comics I usually use acrylic colours, ecoline, oil, pastels, pigment, airbrush (not much though), pantone…But I do not follow any particular order in using these materials or techniques. I do pretty much what I want. I do not use digital techniques…I am not interested.

2.... can you describe your creative process when making art?
It is very difficult to explain! I do not follow any standard rule. The creation of an artwork has two aspects: there are inspiration and spontaneity on one side….and on the other side there are the reflections, the knowledge, the fact that you think it through, which makes it all more effective. Sometimes those two aspects are there at the same time and that helps me to give life to my idea. Some other times, on the other hand, the creative process takes more time because the idea needs to develop. On a practical level, I can say that I usually quickly sketch the idea down, so that I have it on paper, and then I work on it. One thing is sure: I never study the colour first. The colour is already in my head ( that is probably why I lost all the hair and I am bald! Ha ha ha ha ). I put the colour only after the sketch is completed.....so that I don’t waste any time.

3.... what helps boost your creativity?
Everything! I am a very curious person. I never get the inspiration from any other artist, I like to be myself.

4.... what helps you maintain focus and motivation when creating?
It depends! Music, a movie, a beautiful day…..or the editor that reminds me that I need to work as I have a deadline! Ha ha ha

5.... what is the secret to creating a great piece of art?
I don’t know! I do not think there is a magic formula! Of course the “knowledge” helps a lot, but I believe you need to have also inner qualities and talents, such as for example much sensitivity. I know that many people will not like what I am about to say, but I think that art has become a bit too much something that too many people claim to be able to create, while I believe the true, real artists are just very few. I am not saying I am among them, this is clear, as it is not up to me to say it! I believe that a piece of art becomes an artwork when it starts to catch people’s attention, regardless of the cultural level. Then you cannot criticize it anymore. This is of course my personal thought and not an absolute truth.

6.... do you feel its important to follow your passion in your career?
Yes, am sure of that!

7.... how do you find your passion?
I wouldn’t know! From what I remember, I know I drew and sketched since I was a little boy! I have always had my hands on a sketch! Let’s say that the creativity has always been a part of my life!

8.... who are your favorite artists?
I don’t have particular preferences. I like to observe the artworks of the greatest artists, especially the great artists from the past.

9.... do you offer workshops for artists?
Yes, sometimes. They have also contacted me from the USA in order to organize some online workshops….let’s see!! .

10.... if you could give other artists one piece of advice what would it be?
Do not imitate anyone, be yourself! There are enough clones around, no need for more! Be hungry, get to know more, study more, draw, be curious! Do not ever give up and stay focused on your goals. Above all, one thing: I am not a fan of digital techniques, but I respect those who use them, however today many young people who aim to be artists just use the digital techniques and they totally skip the traditional methods….well, let me tell you, they are wrong, big time. They are wrong because the digital approach is just another tool that allows you to cheat easily. I believe that first you need to learn the basics and everything you need to know to become a proper, skilled artist and only then and there you can switch to the digital. The other way around would be like if an aspiring guitar player would start playing guitar by playing the solos first!
PS: I have tried, just for fun, to draw with a drawing tablet, at a Festival. It was my first time! It was a nice toy, easy to use, but it will never ever give me the same satisfaction of the traditional painting and drawing techniques!

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