Andrew Huerta
deviantart: http://andrewhuerta.deviantart.com/gallery/
website: www.andrewhuerta.com
images copyright Andrew Huerta
10 Questions with Andrew Huerta

1.... what medium and tools do you use to create art?
I keep it old school with paper, pencils and markers.

2.... can you describe your creative process when making art?
It always starts off with an idea. Once I decide on what to draw, I'll draw up some little thumbnails to figure out the right perspective and composition. After that step, I just start drawing the final image using my thumbnail as reference and that is pretty much it! I try to keep it short and simple.

3.... what helps boost your creativity?
A lot of things but more specifically films, graffiti, art books, music and life experiences.

4.... what helps you maintain focus and motivation when creating?
I'm addicted to drawing and painting so I have no other choice. Money is also good motivator but it isn't the main drive.

5.... what is the secret to creating a great piece of art?
Thats still a secret to me. haha The only thing I know is to draw what you love, do your best on it and hope it turns out great.

6.... do you feel its important to follow your passion in your career?
Always have to follow your passion. Anything else wouldn't be worth it.

7.... how do you find your passion?
I think you're born with it. It's not really something you can learn or obtain.

8.... who are your favorite artists?
I have too many... Peter Chung, Mike Giant, Renos HTK, Sean Gordon Murphy, Berry McGee, Bruce Timm, Seung Eun Kim, Tetsuro Ueyama, Yutaka Minowa, Bengus, Akimon, Frank Frazetta and Cory Walker to name a few.

9.... do you offer workshops for artists?
I do not, however, I do some private art lessons on the side for a couple of art students.

10.... if you could give other artists one piece of advice what would it be?
One word: Persistence

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