Zach Bellissimo
deviantart: www.seizuredemon.deviantart.com
tumblr: snaggle-teeth.tumblr.com
images and video copyright Zach Bellissimo
10 Questions With Zach Bellissimo

1.... who is your favorite artist?
Its really hard to pick just one. I love Jamie Hewlett , Al Hirschfeld , and T.S. Sullivant . Also I have a lot of great artist friends who possibly inspire me more.

2.... do you offer workshops for artists?
I don't really consider myself much of a teacher. Maybe when I'm a bit older and have more experience under my belt.

3.... what do you like to listen to while you work?
Cats meowing and babies crying. But lately its been a lot of
surf, rockabilly, garage, cajun, spaghetti western soundtracks, a bit of country and Tom Waits.

4.... what medium and tools do you use to create your art?
Anything from pen and ink, to markers, to Photoshop and Flash.
Its good to dabble in both traditional and digital mediums to keep yourself
as fresh as a babbling brook.

5.... during an average week how many hours a day / week do you work on creating art?
A lot of people ask me this and I never have a clear answer because I always
loose track of time when I do art. Plus I have a job now which takes up
most of my time every week. I'm just going to say its still a mystery!

6.... are you working your dream job?
Well the job I have right now at Titmouse Inc. is my first job in the field and is pretty awesome but its not really my dream job. I gotta work my way up.

7.... do you feel its important for others to pursue their dream jobs?
Of course. If you didn't have a dream you'd just be a sad sack of potatoes growing moldy.

8.... where can people see your work (online, conventions or exhibits)?
You can check out my blog: www.snaggle-toothsalad.blogspot.com
deviantart: www.seizuredemon.deviantart.com
youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SeizureD
etsy: http://www.etsy.com/shop/ZachBellissimo
mixtape blog: http://kckhalloween.blogspot.com
tumblr: snaggle-teeth.tumblr.com

9.... was there a certain moment that you knew you wanted to be an artist?
I'm not really sure. I always loved cartoons and was always drawing. I guess its when I realized that trying to become a power ranger, paleontologist, or paranormal investigator wouldn't have worked out so good for me.

10.... is there anything else you would like to add or say to other artists?
To artists, learn basic drawing skills before you learn a "style". And learn things like figure drawing, composition, and color theory. It really helps in the long run. Also keep your socks clean.

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