Frank Frazetta
website: http://frazettaartmuseum.com/
wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Frazetta
unoffical site: http://frankfrazetta.org/
facebook fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/FrazettaFans
images copyright Frank Frazetta
I had the AMAZING opportunity to visit the Frank Frazetta Museum before its reopening this year and had a great visit with Frank Frazetta Jr (son) and William Frazetta (grandson). In the second segment, Frazetta: Museum Reopening, we got a chance to talk about the details on the Frazetta Museum reopening date, new layout, new displays and where to get all the update news!

There is also a special segment at the end of the video that shows a preview of one of Frazetta's earliest sketchbooks! The sketchbook will be on display and visitors can check it out on touch screen computer monitors! Be sure to check it out!
Frazetta Part 2: The Museum Reopening
I also posted the Part 1 of the 3 part video series on Frazetta below! Part 1 is, Frazetta: The Artitst. What tools did Frank Frazetta use to create his art? What did Frazetta like to listen to when he worked? What were some secrets that helped Frazetta create AMAZING art? What were Frazetta's other passions? Find out all the answers in this GREAT interview with Frank Frazetta Jr (son) and William Frazetta (grandson) about the life and work of Frank Frazetta! Be sure to check it out!
Frazetta Part 1: The Artist
I will also be posting the third segment Frank Frazetta: The New Book (hopefully posted Friday). Frank Frazetta: The New Book, will cover all the details about Frank Frazetta Jr’s new book, "Frank Frazetta: Art and Remembrances"! So be sure to check back!

Thank You so much for giving us some insite of Frank`s life. He introduced me to so many people through his artwork. It was his painting`s of conan that introduced me to Robert E Howard and all his heros. I could name more, but dont want to go on and on. I love Frank`s artwork and wish i could have met him. I hope to someday see the museum. Thank You Again So Much.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the GREAT comment Lyle! It was a wonderful day with the Frazettas! I'm very happy I can share it with everyone and share the Frazettas insights to Frank Frazetta!
ReplyDeleteSo glad I recently found your website, have been absolutely loving all the interviews. You've done a really fine job with it, so thank you for the content you've posted, it is much appreciated, and I shared the link on facebook as well so hopefully more check it out!
ReplyDeleteJared, thank you! Doing these interviews is a thrill and I hope to keep doing them as long as I'm able. It is great to share the knowledge, inspiration, motivation and ideas from really AWESOME artists!